COVID-19 Re-Opening Info

The church will be re-opening for Sunday moring worship on June 7th. To prepare for this there are a few things the leadership would like to make you aware of. Do not feel that you have to be there if you feel it is too early or you are not ready. We will stream the audio of the service. We will try to have video of it available soon. 

If you are sick in any way, PLEASE STAY HOME.

The morning service will be held at its normal time 10:30AM. There will be NO Sunday School.

Please access the church through the front door only the side door will be locked.

Because there will be NO Sunday School, that portion of the building will be closed to normal traffic.

Every other pew will be blocked off. Please do not sit in the pews that are blocked off. Try to maintain social distacne requirements of 6ft from others, excluding those you rode to church with or those in your immediate family.

Masks are NOT mandatory. If you feel that you should wear one, please feel free to do so. Please respect each other for their choices regarding this. 

Please limit congregating in the foyer and smaller areas of the building. Please feel free to congregate outside if weather permits.

Offering plates will not be passed. Please drop your offering in the the plate located next to the sound booth as you enter the sanctuary (on left). Please try to do this before the service. 

Thank you for your patience in this as we begin re-opening the church given recommendations provided. If you have further recommendations or concerns, please feel free to let one of the Elders know. 

We look forward to seeing you all soon.